Eating: He is finally using sippy cups only but has to drink his milk with sugar free chocolate powder in it.
Jackson is still picky about his food but usually eats yogurt, fruit, turkey or hot dogs and bread. He will eat Nutri Grain bars, gold fish and nilla wafers for snacks
Sleeping: Down to 1 nap in the afternoon for 1 hour (not enough in my opinion), still 12 hours straight at night.
Playtime: Loves outside! He will go through any open door (or doggie door) to get outside. Also, loves his play house and bubbles. He wants to be read to constantly, will bring you a book and demand you put him in your lap and read it right then, but if he doesn't like what you are reading then he gets up and walks away. He is discovering new body parts like his belly button.
Language: Says "bye" correctly and will say it to anyone. Will point to our noses if asked but not his own.
Health/Wellness: He is starting to get his lateral incisors and chewing on his fingers in the back in his mouth.
Becoming very clingy with me around the house and gets shy when people talk to him.
This is the crankiest he has been so far, and throws fits when he doesn’t get his way.