Thursday, April 3, 2014

Weston is 9 months old

This month seemed to be a big one for our little guy. Lots of milestones hit and he is growing like a weed.

Sleeping- Great napper and sleeps a straight 11 hrs a night.
Eating- He will still eat anything I offer him. Mainly pureed food but trying lots of finger foods. Tried some frozen yogurt and cake for the first time (he loved it!) Drinks from a straw.
Activity- He loves to be outside playing with bubbles, his brother makes him laugh more than anyone else, he for sure know his daddy and jumps out of my arms to him when he sees him, our TV remote is his favorite thing and it is what motivated him to crawl for the first time.
Health/Wellness- He still has a cough that will hopefully clear up when the weather warms up, still takes a paci and giraffes when he sleeps in the sleep sack, he loves to be held so I wear him in the ergo a lot- he can be pretty demanding, his hair seems to be thickening up a lot this past month, he is spitting up a lot lately
Mobility- He pulled to standing position (3/27), started crawling forward (3/28), he started pulling up and sitting up in his crib so we had to lower it.
Language- Lots of babbling and "da-da's" 
Events/Outings- Lots of errands and missed naps, trips to the park, and time spent in the sun in the backyard.

Well visit stats:
Head- 47cm -94th%
Length- 29 3/4 inches -94th %
Weight- 20 lb 8 oz -65th%

One of his first standing pictures.
First wagon ride
He loves to play with Charley's tags.
That smile!!!!

Before shots...
He's so long!

Post shots nap.

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